【MOTHER'S DAY Promotion】Bundle of 5 mix and match free 2 boxes cranberry probiotics

  • $325.00
- 0%




•日本百年胶原大厂品质保证(厂商获得日本医药品制造许可证 ISO9001:2008)

•8次转化酵素水解的3000-5000DA小分子 (服用后30分钟直接被身体吸收)











每天1包Ruiia胶原粉基础保养 或 每天2包Ruijia胶原粉深度修







综合动植物蛋白质来源,以最经济实惠的价格,让小资女可以作为日常基础保养 。这一款内含有大豆成分,它可以帮助生长发育,组织修复 紧致肌肤



【绿色】赛洛美润感胶原蛋白粉 :这一款内含有赛洛美成分,以达到16倍保湿锁水的效果,如果你皮肤很干燥,或是你有经常去运动,都可以吃这一款因为它有效的帮助我们锁住水分,深层滋润,然后也能帮我们修复关节



【粉色】专利玫瑰多酚胶原蛋白粉 :这一款内含有西印度樱桃成分,是含有非常高的维他命C帮助肌肤淡化黑斑、雀斑、痘疤、抗炎抗敏、 补充铁质、抗氧化、提亮肤色和缩小毛孔



【黄色】蜂王胜肽新生胶原蛋白粉 :这一款是我们的女王款,内含有蜂王乳胜肽【 Royal Jelly 】,可以帮助修复细胞、抗氧化、补充钙质、维他命D,想要全方位保养可以选择这这一款









Blue collagen 


All ingredients 

Fish peptides collagen 3000mg  +  soy protein 500mg 

•Japan famous collagen company ( Nippi ) 

•Hydrolyzed peptide Collagen 5000 dalton 

•American journal of nutrition reported the best absorption size 

•💯% natural , no sugar , no fat , no spices , no additives , no seasoning , no artificial and preservatives 


-Fish Collagen peptides : for our fish collagen is from Japan ( nippi ) , we use 70% of  tilapia fish 

 Scales to extract collagen . Collagen is a protein that provides structure to much of our body , 

 including bones , skin , tendons and ligaments . Fish collagen can help us moisturizing , anti-   wrinkle and prolonging ageing , smoothing fine lines and lightening melanin . 

  • Soy protein : is a vegetable protein , does not contain cholesterol, low in saturated fat, can help muscle recovery and reduce muscle soreness . 

➡️Zero cholesterols : effectively reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease 


✔️brightens skin 

✔️tightens skin 

✔️reduces wrinkles & fine lines 

✔️balances sebum production 

✔️enhances elasticity & moisture 

✔️reduces hair loss 

✔️lightens dark pigmentations 

✔️improves skin radiance

✔️shrink pores 





Green collagen 


All ingredients 

Fish peptides collagen 3000mg  +  soy protein 500mg 

•Japan famous collagen company ( Nippi ) 

•Hydrolyzed peptide Collagen 5000 dalton 

•American journal of nutrition reported the best absorption size 

•💯% natural , no sugar , no fat , no spices , no additives , no seasoning , no artificial and preservatives 



-Fish Collagen peptides : for our fish collagen is from Japan ( nippi ) , we use 70% of  tilapia fish 

 Scales to extract collagen . Collagen is a protein that provides structure to much of our body , 

 including bones , skin , tendons and ligaments . Fish collagen can help us moisturizing , anti-   wrinkle and prolonging ageing , smoothing fine lines and lightening melanin . 


-lipamie m20 butter milk powder ( ceramides ) : which can increase the content of fibroblasts ( which will make Collagen , glycosaminoglycans , elastic fibers and other important skin components ) , can improve skin composition and strengthen skin structure. 


-Ceramide : ceramides help create a barrier to prevent permeability. This locks moisture into our skin , which helps prevent dryness and irritation. It may also help protect our epidermis from environmental damage . double moisturizing from inner to outer . 


-Zinc yeast : reduce hair loss , improve skin inflammation , improve immune system , improve acne and improve diabetes . 


✔️brightens skin 

✔️tightens skin 

✔️reduces wrinkles & fine lines 

✔️balances sebum production 

✔️enhances elasticity & moisture 

✔️reduces hair loss 

✔️lightens dark pigmentations 

✔️improves skin radiance

✔️shrink pores 

✔️Double up Moisturizing 

✔️Tightening chest 

✔️Improve immune system 

✔️joint support 

✔️improve acne 

✔️balancing oil 



Pink collagen 



All ingredients 

Fish peptides collagen 3000mg  +  soy protein 500mg 

•Japan famous collagen company ( Nippi ) 

•Hydrolyzed peptide Collagen 5000 dalton 

•American journal of nutrition reported the best absorption size 

•💯% natural , no sugar , no fat , no spices , no additives , no seasoning , no artificial and preservatives 



-Fish Collagen peptides : for our fish collagen is from Japan ( nippi ) , we use 70% of  tilapia fish 

 Scales to extract collagen . Collagen is a protein that provides structure to much of our body , 

 including bones , skin , tendons and ligaments . Fish collagen can help us moisturizing , anti-   wrinkle and prolonging ageing , smoothing fine lines and lightening melanin . 


-Acerola Cherry : contain high vitamin C , reduces allergies , eliminates fatigue , strengthens skin immune system and whitens light spots . 


-Rose petal extract : Anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory , anti-oxidation , reduces skin redness, whitening 


✔️brightens skin 

✔️tightens skin 

✔️reduces wrinkles & fine lines 

✔️balances sebum production 

✔️enhances elasticity & moisture 

✔️reduces hair loss 

✔️lightens dark pigmentations 

✔️improves skin radiance

✔️shrink pores 

✔️tightening chest 


✔️anti allergic 

✔️anti inflammatory 

✔️anti oxidation 

✔️reduces dark circles 

✔️sun block 

✔️reduces dark spot 

✔️Heals damaged skin or scars 




Yellow collagen 



All ingredients 

Fish peptides collagen 3000mg  +  soy protein 500mg 

•Japan famous collagen company ( Nippi ) 

•Hydrolyzed peptide Collagen 5000 dalton 

•American journal of nutrition reported the best absorption size 

•💯% natural , no sugar , no fat , no spices , no additives , no seasoning , no artificial and preservatives 



-Fish Collagen peptides : for our fish collagen is from Japan ( nippi ) , we use 70% of  tilapia fish 

 Scales to extract collagen . Collagen is a protein that provides structure to much of our body , 

 including bones , skin , tendons and ligaments . Fish collagen can help us moisturizing , anti-   wrinkle and prolonging ageing , smoothing fine lines and lightening melanin . 


-Red algae : contains magnesium and calcium promote cell regeneration and supplement calcium 


-Royal Jelly : enhance immunity, improve digestion, promote young skin, regulate blood sugar, improve blood circulation, benefit bones, help heal wounds faster, natural anti-inflammatory, promote metabolism, anti-aging, antioxidant, improve dryness  Eye disease,


-Beer yeast : enhance energy, improve physical strength and spirit 


-vitamin D : promote calcium absorption , and preventing osteoporosis 


-Vitamin E : anti aging , enhance fertility and anti free radical 

✔️brightens skin 

✔️tightens skin 

✔️reduces wrinkles & fine lines 

✔️balances sebum production 

✔️enhances elasticity & moisture 

✔️reduces hair loss 

✔️lightens dark pigmentations 

✔️improves skin radiance

✔️shrink pores 

✔️Smoothens skin 

✔️Tightening chest 

✔️Improve immune system 


✔️Anti aging 

✔️Promote calcium absorption 

✔️Improve sleeping quality 

✔️improve skin radiance 

✔️Promotes skin rejuvenation 


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