【Bundle of 4 】Ruijia Collagen Powder Mix and Match

  • $260.00
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    ✔️ 产品荣获马来西亚健康时尚杂志投票出来的最佳胶原胜肽粉
    ✔️ 也被专业营养师推荐
    ✔️ 也荣获荷兰颁发无添加认证书
    ✔️产品在马来西亚也荣获孕期胶原蛋白肽和Postpartum collagen supplements ( 产后修复 )
    ✔️ 在全台湾31家tomods 日式药妆店和诚品上架

    蓝色】优质纯淨胶原蛋白粉 : 综合动植物蛋白质来源,以最经济实惠的价格,让小资女可以作为日常基础保养 。这一款内含有大豆成分,它可以帮助生长发育,组织修复 , 紧致肌肤

    绿色】赛洛美润感胶原蛋白粉 :这一款内含有赛洛美成分,以达到16倍保湿锁水的效果,如果你皮肤很干燥,或是你有经常去运动,都可以吃这一款因为它有效的帮助我们锁住水分,深层滋润,然后也能帮我们修复关节

    粉色】专利玫瑰多酚胶原蛋白粉 :这一款内含有西印度樱桃成分,是含有非常高的维他命C帮助肌肤淡化黑斑、雀斑、痘疤、抗炎抗敏、 补充铁质、抗氧化、提亮肤色和缩小毛孔

    黄色】蜂王胜肽新生胶原蛋白粉 :这一款是我们的女王款,内含有蜂王乳胜肽【 Royal Jelly 】,可以帮助修复细胞、抗氧化、补充钙质、维他命D,想要全方位保养可以选择这这一款


    Ruijia blue series contains soy protein ingredients to help the growth, development, and repair of tissues

    Ruijia green series contains *(赛洛美Ceramide)* ingredients to obtain a 16 time more intense moisturizing effect, effectively helping skin cells retain more moisture, so if you always go exercise also help Joint care .

    Ruijia pink series contains West Indian cherry 🍒 ingredients, which contain a very high content of Vitamin C to help lighten dark spots, freckles, acne scars, whitening and reduce the appearance of pores and also Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy

    Ruijia yellow series contains royal jelly peptides to help repair cells , all in one and also is our best seller , for mature women over 30 want all-round maintenances and anti-aging Or pregnant also can eat after give birth also good help to recover faster.

    for our product is 100% all natural , no sugar, no fat, no fragrance,no additives 

    No hormones, no Western medical ingredients, no heavy metals

    No artificial ingredients , no sweeteners, no colouring, no flavouring .

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