
懷孕還是要愛美!孕婦媽咪各階段美容保養重點 You still have to love beauty during pregnancy! The key points of various stages of beauty care for pregnant women

懷孕還是要愛美!孕婦媽咪各階段美容保養重點 You still have to love beauty during pregnancy! The key points of various stages of beauty care for pregnant women

初為人母,妳是既喜悅,卻又有點懷著一點擔心嗎?擔心寶寶營養健康擺在第一位,擔心身材走樣,產後很難恢復從前的身材,想要養胎不養肉…… 媽咪愛美不是罪!現在就來教妳如何懷孕也能一人吃兩人補、持續美麗不流失! As a new mother, are you both happy, but a little worried? Worrying about baby nutrition and health comes first, worrying about body shape loss, it is difficult to restore the previous body sha...


「便祕」是許多現代人常有的生活習慣病,尤其女性占比極高,便祕是指沒有任何疾病下引起的之便秘,多半原因可能本身腸胃蠕動緩慢、精神壓力大,不良的生活習慣(緊張、排便、睡眠沒有規律),以致會消耗更多能量,飲食不夠(如膳食纖維不足夠、液態攝取較少…等),藥物干擾影響也有關係,使身體排除毒素的效率降低,更因缺乏運動以致身體新陳代謝機能減慢,就讓排毒管道不順暢,形成更多毒素的聚集,一般來說,便秘是沒有單一原因才造成的。 如何知道自己便祕了呢? 國際上普遍都是以「羅馬式診斷法」做為參考準則: 排便有如彈丸狀之硬結 排便過程非常費力 感覺排便不完整,有阻塞感 排便頻率每周少於三次 排便後仍然覺得肚...
Royal Jelly with Pearl Moisturizing Collagen Powder

Royal Jelly with Pearl Moisturizing Collagen Powder

Collagen is the most abundant PROTEIN in our bodies. It’s found in our muscles, bones, skin and tendons. It’s the “glue” that helps hold the body together. It gives our skin strength and elasticity and helps replace dead skin cells. Increasing collagen levels can help your skin look firmer, incr...
RUIJIA Collagen Powder

RUIJIA Collagen Powder

Collagen is the most abundant PROTEIN in our bodies. It’s found in our muscles, bones, skin and tendons. It’s the “glue” that helps hold the body together. It gives our skin strength and elasticity and helps replace dead skin cells. Increasing collagen levels can help your skin look firmer, incr...